发表时间:2023-12-18     阅读次数:









Opening Reception4:30pm,Dec 20, 2023(Wed.)

CuratorLU Yunxia

ArtistsEdoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri/Leone Contini

OrganizerSchool of Plastic Arts, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

OrganizerDepartmentof Sculpture, School of Plastic Arts, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute


/前言 perface





Expectations are based on available information and predictions about the future, while surprises are outside the forecast. The occurrence of accidents often breaks people's expectations, and the sense of difference always makes us forced out of the present that we are accustomed to.

The three Italian artists created the "unexpected scene" in their eyes during the short stay, and gradually broke the personal expectations of the visit with the agile "tasting viewing", and our distracted attention was once again linked by the surrounding picture of the University Town and the observation of the town of Yangdeng. Onlookers can always quickly distinguish and reconstruct things in the "primary" and "secondary" ways, and more importantly, it reveals to us a knowledge from a different perspective, which makes people cannot help but remind of Byung-Chul Han's words: "Deep knowledge also has the power to transform, it produces a new ideology. The framework of knowledge is similar to that of redemption. It's more effective than the answer to the question."

The works in this exhibition are born in the daily life space, based on the discussion of ecological environment, human community communication and other issues, and the works do not show us the answers to these questions. Through the artistic presentation of the delicate and diverse life forms that the artists "encounter" in the process of creation, the artists use the picture full of simple statements and dreamy metaphors, conveying a personal understanding with a strong signal.

Lu Yunxia

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/部分作品 Works

《新世界图集计划》/ 爱德华多·迪里勒、朱莉亚·皮尔玛迪里
《Atlas of the New World》/ Edoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri

《新世界图集计划》/ 爱德华多·迪里勒、朱莉亚·皮尔玛迪里
Atlas of the New World/ Edoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri

《新世界图集计划》/ 爱德华多·迪里勒、朱莉亚·皮尔玛迪里
Atlas of the New World/ Edoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri

《新世界图集计划》/ 爱德华多·迪里勒、朱莉亚·皮尔玛迪里
Atlas of the New World/ Edoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri

实地记录/ 影像/ 莱昂内·康迪尼

Field Notes/ video/ Leone Contini

实地记录/ 影像/ 莱昂内·康迪尼

Field Notes/video/ Leone Contini



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/关于艺术家 About Artists

| 爱德华多·迪里勒、朱莉亚·皮尔玛迪里

Edoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri |


《新世界图集计划》是他们自 2019 年以来在世界各地开展的一个拍摄项目,他们拍摄了不同大陆的人们,并向他们提出关于地球未来的一些问题。

Edoardo Delille /Giulia Piermartiri

Edoardo and Giulia are two Italian resident artists/photographers from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. They use a special technique to capture people and their daily environment, and project the landscape changes that may be caused by future climate change into the environment.

The New World Atlas Project is a photography project they have been conducting around the world since 2019. They have photographed people from different continents and asked them some questions about the future of the Earth.

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| 莱昂内·康迪尼 Leone Contini |


莱昂内·康迪尼(生于 1976 年)曾在锡耶纳大学研究哲学和文化人类学。他的研究领域涉及人类学、美学和政治学的交叉,其媒介包括演讲表演、公共空间集体干预、文字和视觉叙事、绘画。

他曾在哥本哈根 Thorvaldsen 博物馆、罗马Mattatoio 美术馆、哥本哈根Thorvaldsen 博物馆、罗马Mattatoio 博物馆、卢布尔雅那Vzigalica博物馆、那不勒斯 MADRE 博物馆、默克尔别墅博物馆、那不勒斯MADRE、埃斯林根 Villa Merkel、上海明珠美术馆、Kunstverein Solothurn、达喀尔Ker Thiossane、柏林SAVVY、柏林HKW、都灵PAV、里昂AC、维也纳Kevin Space、巴勒莫Manifesta 12、都灵Fondazione Sandretto、罗马Quadriennale、比耶拉的皮斯泰莱托基金会、罗韦雷托Mart、伦敦德尔菲娜基金会、慕尼黑Kunstraum、新德里Khoj、特伦托GalleriaCivica、阿姆斯特丹艺术协会、普拉托路易吉·佩奇当代艺术中心、佛罗伦萨的罗马别墅举办展览并展出作品。


2023 年,第 12 届意大利艺术理事会获奖者之一。
2021 年,Cantica 21获奖者之一。他的一件作品被普拉托路易吉·佩奇当代艺术中心永久收藏。
2018-2019 年,成为斯图加特Akademie Schloss Solitude 的研究员。
2017 年,获得第二届意大利理事会奖,他的一件作品被米兰Mudec 美术馆永久收藏。
2017 年,与“TRACES - Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts”合作。

Leone Contini

Leone Contini (born in 1976) studied philosophy and cultural anthropology at the University of Siena. His research areas involve the intersection of anthropology, aesthetics, and political science, with media including speech performances, collective intervention in public spaces, textual and visual narratives, and painting.
He has visited the Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen, the Matatoio Museum in Rome, the Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen, the Matatoio Museum in Rome, the Vzigalica Museum in Ljubljana, the MADRE Museum in Naples, the Merkel Villa Museum, the MADRE Museum in Naples, the Villa Merkel in Eslingen, the Shanghai Pearl Art Museum, the Kunstverein Solothurn, the Ker Thiosane in Dakar, the SAVVY in Berlin, the HKW in Berlin, the PAV in Turin, and the AC in Lyon Exhibitions and works were held at Kevin Space in Vienna, Manifesta 12 in Palermo, Fondazione Sandretto in Turin, Quadriennale in Rome, Pistelletto Foundation in Biera, Robereto Mart, Delphina Foundation in London, Kunstraum in Munich, Khoj in New Delhi, Galleria Civica in Trento, Amsterdam Art Association, Prato Luigi Page Contemporary Art Center, and Roman Villa in Florence.

Award winning experience

In 2023, one of the winners of the 12th Italian Arts Council.
In 2021, one of the winners of Cantica 21. One of his works has been permanently collected by the Prato Luigi Page Center for Contemporary Art.
From 2018 to 2019, became a researcher at Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart.
In 2017, he won the second Italian Council Award and one of his works was permanently collected by the Mudec Art Museum in Milan.
In 2017, we collaborated with TRACES - Transmitting Contextual Cultural Heritage with the Arts.


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